by Pippilotta | Feb 6, 2023
Summer project 2023/2: “In the movement of the horse” In the summer project 2023/2 the movement is the focus. Module 4: Details Click Here “Merging with the masculine”...
by Pippilotta | Feb 6, 2023
Summer project 2023/2: “In the movement of the horse” In the summer project 2023/2 the movement is the focus. Module 3: Details Click Here “Movement into the Feminine”...
by Pippilotta | Feb 6, 2023
Summer project 2023/2: “In the movement of the horse” In the summer project 2023/2 the movement is the focus. Module 2: Details Click Here Live Call: “Your foundation into a holistic movement”....
by Pippilotta | May 29, 2019
Ride into the silence I look forward to being on the road with you and the horses. Depending on the weather, we ride via Heinzenberg towards Beverin. The route will be adjusted depending on the weather. In riding, the resting, supporting, grounded force and the...
by Pippilotta | May 29, 2019
Abundance Trailride Powerful riding in the FloW in the connection of man, horse and nature Terra Materna carries us on the horse’s back with her benevolence. We experience the power of the mighty mountains, dense forests, clear lakes and rushing streams. We...
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